
RAD-140 15mg + LGD-4003 10mg (RAD & LGD)
Usage: 1-2 capsules
Capsule per container: 90
Amount per capsule: (25 mg )
Half life: RAD-140 12-18 hours & LGD-4003 24-36 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

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The most popular SARMs currently on the market include Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and Testolone (RAD-140). Testolone is a SARM used frequently for the remedy of muscle losing and breast cancer. Developed via way of means of spectrelabs while Ligandrol is every other orally bioavailable SARM. Developed via way of means of spectrelabs.


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